Does someone in your team think they’re beyond making changes in their sales techniques?
We recommend every level of personnel undergoes continuous training and a skills evolution plan. Everyone needs ongoing skills enhancement – not just the new people or the under-performers – it sends the wrong message.
How can you get someone to be more open to learning and adapting their ways? You can:
1. discuss learning new skills as a positive – anything you have learnt share it enthusiastically
2. ensure you are on training too if your team is in training
3. ensure they know how training will make their lives easier
4. do solution (product/service) training regularly and
5. make training relevant, interesting and fun.
To those managers who only see training as necessary for those with gaps – I say send me your top five over performers and:
1. see how their performance increases and
2. see how everyone else will be knocking at your door wanting training. As a high-performance training business – that’s exactly the state we get them in before they arrive – they WANT to be trained.
Q: What’s your method to get people excited about learning?
Read here on ways to fire up your team to achieve their goals
What to do
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Smarter Selling is sales and mindset coaching for high performing leaders and teams