‘It’s OK I don’t need to sell to them, they know us’….. the moment you think you don’t have to ‘sell’ to a client is the very time you need to…..Frequently I’m informed by a client ‘I don’t need to sell to them they are regulars’ and the alarm bells ring out LOUD. Whilst you are thinking that – your competitor has hatched a plan to be all over them like a rash – or intelligently placing themselves as the expert and being useful relevant and proactive. I can help you manage the expectations of clients whom seem ‘loyal’ with easy ideas to ensure they come to you – because you have the best solution (or have the potential to find the best solution)- and not because you’re a mate. (as this disintegrates the moment the client has staff changes and they need to justify using your service or product, it’s just not strong enough – maybe in 2008 – not now).